Call for participation, Oasis 2015 Workshop
Please plan to attend The 2015th IFIP WG8.2 Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS), which will take place before ICIS on 12th December 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
We have received a variety of papers that will be discussed in round tables around the following themes:
· IS Theory
· Health IT
· Online Collectives
· Movements and Social Media
· Design and Experiment Research
· Innovation and Knowledge Management
· IT Infrastructure
We would like to invite participants who are interested in engaging in a scholarly conversation around these themes to register and attend the workshop.
The registration for the workshop is through AIS, as part of the ICIS conference registration.
Hani Safadi (University of Georgia) and
James Howison (University of Texas, Austin)
Program co-Chairs, OASIS 2015