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Magazine Article
Whitley, E. A. (2000). Dotcompetition: Surviving in e-business. LSE Magazine, 12, 12-13. presented at the Winter. Retrieved from LSE2000.pdf
Journal Article
Dunwoodie, E., & Myers, M. D.. (1999). The Dreams of the Cashless Society: A Study of EFTPOS in New Zealand. Journal of International Information Management, 8, 63-75.
Myers, M. D. (1994). A disaster for everyone to see: an interpretive analysis of a failed IS project. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 4, 185-201.
Wang, Q., Myers, M. D., & Sundaram, D.. (2013). Digital Natives und Digital Immigrants. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 55, 409-420. doi:10.1007/s11576-013-0390-2
Myers, M. D., & Sundaram, D.. (2012). Digital Natives: Rise of the Social Networking Generation. University of Auckland Business Review, 15, 28-37. Retrieved from
Vodanovich, S., Sundaram, D., & Myers, M. D.. (2010). Digital Natives and Ubiquitous Information Systems. Information Systems Research, 21, 711–723.
Wang, Q., Myers, M. D., & Sundaram, D.. (2013). Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 5, 409-419. doi:10.1007/s12599-013-0296-y
Sawyer, S., Crowston, K., & Wigand, R.. (2014). Digital assemblages: Evidence and theorizing from the computerization of the U.S. residential real estate industry. New Technology, Work and Employment, 29, 40-56. presented at the 3/2014. doi:10.1111/ntwe.12020
Doukidis, G. I., & Whitley, E. A.. (1987). Developing and running expert systems with PESYS. Future Generation Computer Systems, 3, 189-199. Retrieved from FGCS1988.pdf
Wiggins, A. (2011). Design for Citizen Science Workshop Report. presented at the 12/2011.
Baskerville, R. L., & Myers, M. D.. (2015). Design Ethnography in Information Systems. Information Systems Journal, 25, 23-46. doi:10.1111/isj.12055
