Hans-Erik Nissen 1925-2019

Hans-Erik Nissen, Emeritus Professor of Lund University in Sweden and long-standing member of IFIP WG8.2 died on 15 May 2019, at the age of 93. Hans-Erik organised the 1990 IFIP WG8.2 Working Conference in Copenhagen on the Information Systems Research Arena of the 90's Challenges, Perceptions, and Alternative Approaches and was General Co-Chair of the 1997 IFIP WG8.2 Working Conference in Philadeplhia on "Information Systems and Qualitative Research".


The meeting opened at 04:45pm



Ulrike Schultze welcomed members, friends, and guests


Ulrike Schultze introduced the current officers and explained the rotation model among the leadership

Ulrike Schultze stepped down as Chair of the group after seven years of service. Eija Karsten was introduced as the incoming Chair (past Vice Chair), Matthew Jones as the incoming Vice Chair (past Secretary) and Benjamin Mueller as Secretary elect.

Newly Elected Officers

Please join us in congratulating IFIP 8.2’s newly elected officers:

Secretary: Benjamin Mueller (University of Groningen)
Vice-Chair: Matthew Jones (University of Cambridge)
Chair: Eija Helena Karsten (Åbo Akademi University)

Their terms will start in January 2019 and we would like to thank them for their service to the community.

Program for "Living with Monsters?" working conference now online

We, the program chairs of the IFIP 8.2 Working Conference "Living with Monsters?", are pleased to announce that the conference program is now online. To view the exciting line-up, please point your browser to: http://2018conf.ifipwg82.org/program/schedule

Also, please note, that early bird registration ends on Oct 21, 2018. To register, visit: http://2018conf.ifipwg82.org/registration

News about "Monster" working conference in December 2018 in SFO

We have two exciting pieces of news to share about our upcoming working conference "Living with Monsters? Social Implications of Algorithmic Phenomena, Hybrid Agency and the Performativity of Technology" (Dec 11&12, 2018, in San Francisco)


Besides the two keynote speakers -- Lucy Suchman and Paul Edwards -- the meeting will feature the following stimulating panel:

Studying “Sociomateriality”: An Exploration of Constructs in the Making
