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Cadili, S., & Whitley, E. A.. (2006). Interpretative flexibility and hosted ERP systems. In K. C. Desouza (Ed.), Agile information systems: Conceptualization, construction and management (pp. 188-206). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Retrieved from Agile2006.pdf
Whitley, E. A., & Darking, M. L.. (2009). Object lessons and invisible technologies. In C. Avgerou, Willcocks, L., & Lanzara, G. F. (Eds.), Bricolage, Care and Information Systems (p. Forthcoming). Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Whitley, E. A. (2009). Perceptions of government technology, surveillance and privacy: the UK identity cards scheme. In D. Neyland & Goold, B. (Eds.), New Directions in Privacy and Surveillance (pp. 133-156). Cullompton: Willan. Retrieved from Willan2009.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1994). Spreadsheet module. In A. Forti (Ed.), Manual for training in research and innovation management. Singapore: World Scientific.
Whitley, E. A., & Pouloudi, A.. (2002). Studying the translations of NHSnet. In M. A. Mahmood (Ed.), Advanced topics in end user computing (pp. 158-176). Hershey: Idea Group. Retrieved from JEUC2001.pdf
Galliers, R. D., & Whitley, E. A.. (2002). An Anatomy of European Information Systems Research ECIS 1993-ECIS 2002: Some Initial Findings. (S. Wrycza, Ed.)10th European Conference on Information Systems,. Gdansk, Poland. Retrieved from ECIS2002.pdf
Pouloudi, A., & Whitley, E. A.. (1996). Applying stakeholder analysis to inter-organisational systems in the context of health care in the UK. (B. Glastonbury, Ed.)Dreams and realities: Information technology in the human services; Proceedings of Husita 4. Finland: Stakes. Retrieved from HUSITA1996.pdf
Mosse, B., & Whitley, E. A.. (2004). Assessing UK e-government websites: Classification and benchmarking. (T. Leino, Saarinen, T., & Klein, S., Eds.)12th European Conference on Information Systems. Turku, Finland: Turku School of Economics and Business Administration. Retrieved from ECIS2004.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1999). Change? What really happens when new information systems are introduced. (J. E. Kendall, Ed.)IS Research at the beginning of the Millenium: Searching for artifacts, metaphors and methodologies. Charlotte, NC: IFIP 8.2. Retrieved from IFIP821999b.pdf
Whitley, E. A., & Hosein, I. R.. (2001). Doing politics around electronic commerce: Opposing the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill. (A. E. Adam, Howcroft, D., Richardson, H., & Robinson, B., Eds.)(Re)-defining Critical Research in Information Systems: An international workshop. presented at the 9-10 July 2001, Salford, UK. Retrieved from IFIP822001Politics.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1999). Escalation and anti-essentialism: A teaching case study. (J. Pries-Heje, Ciborra, C., Kautz, K., Valor, J., Christiaanse, E., Avison, D., & Heje, C., Eds.)7th European Conference on Information Systems. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School. Retrieved from ECIS1999.pdf
Whitley, E. A., Doukidis, G. I., & Singh, A.. (1989). An expert system to assist in filing Income Tax returns: The case of Indian Income Tax. Proceedings of the Fifth International Expert Systems Conference. London: Learned Information. Retrieved from IESC1989.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1990). Expert systems: True support for the process of decision making. (E. M. Awad, Ed.)International Conference of the Special Interest Group on Business Data Processing (SIGBDP) - Trends and Directions in Expert Systems. Orlando, Florida: ACM Press. Retrieved from SIGBDP1990Support.pdf
Whitley, E. A. (1999). Habermas and the non-humans: Towards a critical theory for the new collective. (H. Willmott & Grugulis, I., Eds.)Critical Management Studies conference. Manchester: Retrieved from CMS1999.pdf
Whitley, E. A., & Darking, S.. (1994). Information Systems: Social Technology in Social Systems. (W. Baets, Ed.)2nd European Conference on Information Systems. Nijenrode University, The Netherlands: Nijenrode University Press. Retrieved from ECIS1994.pdf-
