Business meeting minutes, Brisbane, Australia, 9 December, 2000

Brisbane, Australia
December 9, 2000

The meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. by the Chair, David Avison (FR).

1. Introduction

David Avison began the meeting with a brief description of IFIP, TC 8, and IFIP Working Group 8.2.

2. Past Workshops and Working Conferences

David Avison reported that the accounts for the Michigan conference have now been closed and forwarded to the IFIP Secretariat.

Richard Baskerville (US) said the IFIP 8.2 Conference in Aalborg earlier this year was a great success. Some latecomers had to be turned away due to limitations in the room space. The accounts are nearly finalized but have not been closed yet.

Cathy Urquhart (AU) reported briefly on the IFIP 8.2 Oasis Workshop just held in Brisbane. Both she and Steve Sawyer (US) had a lot of fun in organizing the workshop. They had tried to ensure that presenters received constructive feedback.

David Avison commented that this had been a superb workshop and the standard of presentations and discussion was excellent. On behalf of the working group, David Avison thanked both Cathy Urquhart and Steve Sawyer for organizing the workshop.

3. Forthcoming Workshops and Working Conferences

David Avison briefly explained the difference between a workshop and a working conference.

The next IFIP 8.2 Working Conference will be held in Boise, Idaho, USA, from July 27-29, 2001. Julie Kendall (US), the Vice Chair, said that the Program Chairs are Nancy Russo (US) and Brian Fitzgerald (IE). The theme of the Working Conference is "Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development: The Social and Organizational Perspective." Submissions closed on November 1, 2000. However, if anyone wants to participate, they can do so as a discussant or chair. They should contact Nancy or Brian. Further details of the conference are on the web site at

Michael Myers (NZ) talked about the Working Conference to be held in Barcelona in December, 2002, in conjunction with ICIS. Eleanor Wynn (US), Michael Myers and Edgar Whitley (GB) are involved in organizing this Working Conference, themed "Organizational Discourse about IT."

David Avison talked about the possibility of a working conference in 2003 in conjunction with ICIS. Due the to difficulty of finding local organizers in Israel, this has been abandoned. An alternative would be to have an Oasis workshop immediately before ICIS 2003 in Israel.

David Avison also mentioned the possibility of a joint working conference with IFIP Working Group 9.4. Christanthi Avgerou (GB) is investigating this. Julie Kendall mentioned that one possibility is to hold this in Malaysia.

Kevin Crowston (US) asked whether it would be possible to have a workshop before ICIS 2001 in New Orleans.

It was moved, seconded and carried that Kevin Crowston be the organizer of an Oasis workshop in New Orleans in December 2001 with a co-organiser to be named later.

David Avison mentioned that Trevor Wood-Harper (GB) has proposed a "Manchester 2" conference to be held in 2004, 20 years after the original Working Group 8.2 conference in Manchester. This would be to reflect on 20 years of qualitative research in information systems. The proposed title of the conference is "Relevant theory and Informed practice: A Twenty Year Perspective on IS Research." The Organising Chair is Debra Howcroft (GB), with the Program Co-Chairs being Bonnie Kaplan (US), Duane Truex (US), Dave Wastell (GB) and Trevor Wood-Harper (GB). The conference would be held in June 2004 in Manchester.

It was moved, seconded and carried that this proposal be accepted.

Bernie Glasson (AU) mentioned that there will be a TC8 track within the IFIP World Congress in Montreal in September 2002.

4. Web site

David Avison mentioned that much information is available on the web site. The web site holds membership details, so members are invited to check these details and alter them if they are incorrect. Kevin Crowston is the web master.

5. Listserv

David Avison discussed the un-moderated listserv for IFIP Working Group 8.2. It is a good way for opinions to be expressed. There has been some discussion about the format of the 8.2 business meetings. David Avison would like to keep these meetings as they are, due to time limitations, but to provide time at the working conferences for more general issues to be discussed.

6. New Members

David Avison mentioned that people who have attended two recent business meetings are eligible to join IFIP WG 8.2. Names were solicited for individuals who were qualified and interested in becoming members of WG 8.2.

* Don Falconer, University of South Australia
* Anita Greenhill, Griffith University
* Roberta Lamb, University of Hawaii
* Bill Doolin, University of Waikato

All were approved for membership, subject to a check on attendance by the Secretary.

7. Awards

It was moved, seconded and carried that Kenneth Kendall (US) will chair the committee to nominate people for Silver Core and Outstanding Service Awards for IFIP WG 8.2.

8. New Business

David Avison (FR) thanked everyone for their participation, and the meeting was closed.

— Michael Myers, Secretary