Business meeting minutes, Charlotte, NC, USA, 12 December, 1999

Charlotte, NC, USA
12 December 1999

The meeting was called to order at 3:15 pm. Richard Baskerville (USA) opened the meeting and briefly explained the purpose of IFIP WG 8.2.

1. Workshop and Working Conference proposals

Eleanor Wynn (USA) presented a proposal for a working conference on "Organizational Discourse about IT" to be held in Barcelona, Spain, in conjunction with ICIS in December 2002. Josep Valor spoke about the local arrangements in Barcelona.

Moved by Duane Truex (USA), Seconded by Marius Janson (USA) and carried that the working conference proposal be approved.

Steve Sawyer (USA) asked whether there might be an IFIP WG 8.2 Oasis workshop organised in association with ICIS 2001 in New Orleans.

2. Appointment of Officers

Richard Baskerville announced the results of the recent election of IFIP WG 8.2 officers. David Avison (UK) was elected Chair, Julie Kendall (USA) Vice-Chair, and Michael Myers (NZ) Secretary. At this point Richard Baskerville asked David Avison to assume the chair.

3. Awards Report

Ken Kendall (USA), Chair of the ad hoc Awards Committee appointed by the Chair, announced that Richard J Welke (USA) had received the IFIP Outstanding Service Award.

4. Past Workshops and Working Conferences

The most recent IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference was held in St Louis from August 20-22, 1999. David Avison thanked Marius Jansen for organising a successful conference.

The recent IFIP WG 8.2 Workshop entitled "IS Research at the Beginning of the New Millenium: Searching for Artifacts, Metaphors, and Methodologies" was held at Charlotte, NC, on December 12, 1999. David Avison thanked Julie Kendall for organising it.
5. Forthcoming Workshops and Conferences

The next IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference is to be held in Aalborg, Denmark, in June 2000. Richard Baskerville gave a brief report on progress. There has been a date change due to many hotels being unavailable. The conference will now be held from June 10-12, 2000, with the welcome reception held on June 9. It is most likely that the conference will finish at lunchtime on 12th June.

Keng Siau mentioned the forthcoming IFIP 8.1 Computer —Aided Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) workshop to be held from June 5-6 2000 in Stockholm, which IFIP 8.2 members may wish to attend.

An IFIP WG 8.2 Workshop is to be held in Brisbane in conjunction with ICIS 2000. Cathy Urquhart (AUS) is one of the organisers. Michael Myers mentioned that the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (AUS) will be held from December 7-8 2000 (Thursday/Friday) in Brisbane. The IFIP WG 8.2 workshop will then be held on December 8 or 9 (Saturday or Sunday) before ICIS begins on the Sunday evening.

Nancy Russo (USA) spoke about the forthcoming IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference entitled "Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development: The Social and Organisational Perspective." The conference is to be held in Boise, Idaho, from July 27-29, 2001.

David Avison mentioned the IFIP World Computer Congress to be held in Beijing from August 21-25 2000.

Bengt Lundberg (SE) mentioned the IFIP WG 8.3 conference on the subject of "DSS through knowledge management" which is to be held in Stockholm in June 2000.

Chris Sauer (AUS) mentioned that he along with Bonnie Kaplan (USA) are working on a proposal to hold a working conference in conjunction with ICIS 2003 in Jerusalem.

6. New members

It was moved, seconded and approved that Jan Pries-Heje be admitted as a member of IFIP WG 8.2 subject to a check on his attendance at the business meetings by the Secretary.
7. Other new business

David Avison thanked Kevin Crowston (USA) for his work on the web page for IFIP WG 8.2. He also thanked Richard Baskerville for his work as Chair over the past three years.

Moved by Heinz Klein, Seconded by Nancy Russo and approved that the meeting be closed.

— Michael Myers, Secretary