Business meeting minutes, Helsinki, Finland, 6 December, 1998

Helsinki, Finland
6 December 1998

Meeting called to order at 12:20. Julie Kendall (USA) and Bernie Glasson (AU) sent apologies for not being able to attend. Richard Baskerville (USA) and David Avison (UK) were introduced as Chair and Vice-Chair. Kevin Crowston (USA) acted for the Secretary for the meeting.

1. New Members

Friends who'd attended one business meeting in the past (and are therefore eligible to be elected as members) introduced themselves.

The following people were eligible to be members:
* Jos Aarts (Netherlands)
* Kristin Braa (N)
* Ann P. Brown (UK)
* Michelle Brown (USA)
* Jan Damsgaard (DK)
* Olov Forsgren (SE)
* Ole Hanseth (N)
* Ari Heiskanen (SF)
* Trond Knudsen (N)
* Bengt G. Lundberg (SE)
* Magnus Maehring (SE)
* Tom McMaster (UK)
* Mogens Kuhn Pedersen (DK)
* Angeliki Poulymenakou (UK)
* Kylie Sayer (AU)
* Ulrike Schultze (USA)
* Erik Stolterman (SE)
* Cathy Urquhart (AU)
* Chelley Vician (USA)
* Richard Vidgen (UK)
* Frank Xia (Macao)

Duane Truex (USA) moved to accept the nominated individuals as members of IFIP WG 8.2, subject to checking the secretary's record. Nancy Russo (USA) seconded. Unanimous agreement by the attendees.

2. Future workshops

Motion to have an OASIS 2000 workshop to proceed the ICIS 2000 conference in Brisbane. (Richard has the description of the workshop.) Moved by Kylie Sayer (AU). Seconded by Michael Myers (NZ). Unanimous agreement by the attendees.

3. Announcements

1. This is an election year. Allen Lee (USA) and Kalle Lyytinen (SF) have been asked to be the election oversight committee and Kevin Crowston (USA) to be the election teller. Members will be asked by email to submit nominations. Voting will be done via the Web site.
2. The next Working Conference will be in St. Louis, August 20-22nd 1999. Marius Janson (USA) is the General Chair. (The names of the other committee members are available on the Web site.)
3. Announcement from the floor: There will be a Working Group 8.3 conference in July 2000: "Decision Support through Knowledge Management;" also a conference in Denmark in April 1999. The calls were distributed.

4. Thanks

At this point, the 8.6 Working Group business meeting was called to order.

Meeting jointly, the Working Group 8.2 and 8.6 thanked the organizers of the Joint Working Conference. Their names appear on their respective Web sites.

5. Close

Motion to adjourn. Moved by Michael Myers (NZ), seconded by Guy Fitzgerald (UK). Unanimous agreement.

— Kevin Crowston (USA), Acting Secretary