Business meeting minutes, St. Louis, MS, USA, 22 August, 1999

St Louis, Missouri, USA
22 August 1999

Meeting called to order at 10:41 am. Richard Baskerville (USA) and David Avison (UK) were introduced as Chair and Vice-Chair. Michael Myers (NZ) acted for the Secretary for the meeting as Julie Kendall (USA) did not attend.

26 people were present at the start.

1. IFIP TC8 Communications

Richard Baskerville described the structure of IFIP.

2. New members

Moved by Richard Baskerville, Seconded by David Avison, and carried unanimously that the following individuals be admitted as new members subject to confirmation of their eligibility by the Secretary.

* Chris Hemingway
* Ivan Aaen

3. Election Report

Richard Baskerville reported on the results of the election and thanked the election committee for their work. David Avison was elected chair, Julie Kendall Vice-Chair, and Michael Myers Secretary.

4. Awards Report

Richard Baskerville reported briefly on behalf the Awards Committee.

5. Past Workshops and Working Conferences

Richard Baskerville reported on the IFIP 8.2 Working Conference held in Helsinki in December 1998. There was a breakdown in the relationship with the publisher over the publication of the proceedings, mostly because Chapman and Hall was acquired by Kluwer at that time. As a result IFIP published the proceedings itself. The proceedings have also been published on the Internet.

Marius Jansen asked if if it was possible to publish the most recent proceedings on the web. Marius Jansen and Richard Baskerville to investigate further.

Marius Jansen reported on the recent St Louis conference from August 20-22, 1999. Marius Jansen is hopeful that the conference will break even.

6. Forthcoming conferences

Richard Baskerville reported on the forthcoming business meetings and conferences.

There will be a business meeting at Charlotte, NC, in December 1999 in conjunction with ICIS.

The next Working Conference is to be held in Aalborg, Denmark, from June 9-11, 2000. There was some discussion on the format of the conference.

There will be an IFIP 8.2 Oasis workshop in Brisbane, Australia, in December 2000 in conjunction with ICIS.

7. Workshop and Working Conference Proposals

Nancy Russo explained a proposal to have an IFIP 8.2 conference in Boise, Idaho in July 2001. The proposal at this stage involves the following people:
1. General Chairs: Claudio Ciborra, Sue Conger.
2. Organising Chairs: Wita and Gregory Wojtkowski
3. Program Chairs: Nancy Russo, Brian Fitzgerald

Rudy Hirschheim moved that this proposal be accepted. It was seconded by Heinz Klein and approved unanimously.

Bonnie Kaplan discussed a potential proposal for a conference in 2002 or 2003. The tentative theme is "Crossing and Transcending Boundaries." Bonnie Kaplan is to develop the proposal further before seeking approval for the conference.

8. Other Business

Janice DeGross mentioned that the proceedings of the Manchester conference will be reprinted, probably later this year.

9. Close

Allen Lee moved that the meeting be closed. It was seconded by Nancy Russo and approved unanimously.

— Michael Myers, Acting Secretary